Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Howard Wolowitz: You're giving me a couch cushion?
Sheldon Cooper: No, the cushion is merely symbolic. I'm giving you my spot on the couch.
Sheldon Cooper: But you love that spot.
Howard Wolowitz: No. I love my mother. My feelings for my spot are much greater. It is the singular location in space around which revolves my entire universe. And now it's yours.

[last lines]
Howard Wolowitz: I gotta tell you, Sheldon, I understand why you chose this spot. I mean: the temperature is good but there's no draft, I can see the television but I can still talk th...
Sheldon Cooper: I changed my mind; get out of my spot!
Penny: How long?
Leonard Hofstadter: Ninety-four seconds.

On Friday morning we opened our hearts, our home and our couch to Sheldon Cooper, cat. At about two and a half years old, he's a large, beautiful long haired cat that we adopted from the "Cat Lovers Association" in Haifa. We brought him home and spoiled him with the largest scratching post we could find, lots of toys, a deluxe litter box and Royal Canine cat food. Only the best for my ball of fur. 

It's been less than a week since Sheldon joined us and we're learning to live together. He has yet to learn how to use his litter box, but I'm patient. I took him to the vet who looked him over and gave him his shots as well as some ear drops for the mites that cause him to scratch his ears incessantly. She said that with his appearance, large size and easy going demeanor, he's probably got a lot of Maine Coon in him.  

The thing that amazes me most is how much love I have for the little guy. Like I said, he's been with us for just a few days, yet I am absolutely crazy about him. I love him and just want to hold him, pet him, play with him and guard him from the outside world. I could spend hours just lying on the floor next to him, listening to him purr as I pet him. 

Tell me this isn't the most adorable cat you've ever seen... :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Wow, that's really retro!"

They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat. This time, it's humentashen, or triangle shaped cookies with various fruit fillings in them. Unfortunately, whenever I bite into one of these cookies, despite what the box may say, it seems my cookie is always filled with poppy seeds. Yuck. Bad cookies aside, this is probably one of my favorite holidays, mostly because you're supposed to get dressed up and drink 'till you're tipsy. Gotta love tradition!

Ok, so Purim isn't coming until Sunday, but as many of my coworkers will be out of the office on Sunday, spending the day with their kids, who will be off of school for the holiday, we've decided that we'll be celebrating today. Come to work in costume, bring a gift basket for the grab bag.

Grab bag gift - check.
Costume... eh... Busy as I've been lately, I haven't had time to put anything really grand together, but I did want to do something. So, last night, ten minutes before the fabric stores closed, I frantically searched for inspiration among bolts of polyester fabrics in hideous patterns. I pinterested "adult costumes" and came across some interesting ideas. Now I just needed to narrow them down to things I could pull together in a few hours or less, especially if I was planning on sleeping...
I saw a great Gameboy dress which made me smile in nostalgia for my childhood back in the 90's. I quickly purchased grey fabric and headed home. (Ok, I stopped at the gym first...) Within three hours I'd created a respectable looking costume and honestly felt that it looked good. Tired, but satisfied, I joined hubby in bed for a few hours of shut eye before work this morning.

Today, dressed in my Gameboy dress, colorful stockings depicting cassettes and other 80's and 90's stuff and All Star shoes, I drank my coffee in our office's kitchen. People started coming in, some in costume, some not. A few of them thought I was a calculator... or some kind of a console controller... Very few actually recognized what I was right off the bat and a few had that "ah" moment after I told them... Then Dean, our new QA guy says to me, "Wow, that's really retro! That was ages ago!" I was four when Gameboy was released and old enough to have actually had one. And at 28, I'm not that old... I'm one of the younger people at this office!!! When did I become old and retro?! :)

That said, it was still a great day and I had fun, even if most people didn't recognize what I was... Their loss.