Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Procrastination is a terrible mistress, as she has been keeping me from so many things, including writing. Over the past few weeks, there have been so many changes in my life, I feel this is a good time to ditch old habits and start doing the things I've been putting off.

After a half a dozen names, I finally came up with something simple that reflects me - cookie dough and jeans. I enjoy food, cooking, and sewing. I sew most of my own clothes. I'm a board game loving geek that prefers a good game of "7 Wonders" over going out to a pub any night. I eat raw cookie dough and enjoy it immensely. It shows and I have body issues, which is probably normal, being a woman in today's world. I work with computers. Mostly because somewhere during my studies I realized my lack of patience for people, working with them or for them. Don't get me started on that... But straight out of school, despite the hi-tech bubble, I wrangled myself into a job as a product manager working beneath a boss who had faith in me and taught me tons and helped me get to where I am today. 

Where am I, today? you ask... 
Well, I work for a global company. I've been with them for almost a year and I recently got a new boss above me, who I'm really liking. He's new to being head of product, so he's got lots of fresh ideas and more importantly, is willing to listen to our ideas, as well. I'm packing up the house I've lived in for the last year and a half, moving to an apartment in Haifa, just a short drive from the office. I got married in late August and hubby and I just celebrated 4 years together. The move will be our third place together and hubby promised that I can get a cat. I'm really looking forward to that. With the new year, come the resolutions, so maybe this year will be the year of change. Maybe this year I'll stick to my workouts, eat healthier, read more books, sew more clothes and do all things I'd like to. And while I do (or don't), I'll try to write about it. As much of it as I can. About living, cooking, sewing, work and the restaurant at the end of universe. And just maybe, someone might read this. And maybe, just maybe, enjoy reading what I write even half as much as I enjoy writing it... :)

Happy 2014!

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